मंगलवार, 10 सितंबर 2013

The world celebrating the work of Appan Samachar.

For Appan Samachar:

What shall we hear from children who have never yet spoken a single word?
What shall we hear from women who have never been listened to before?

Women's needs and women's issues have become one of our planet's most important awakenings. We al need to hear from the direct experience of women from all over the world, who are still held down and their wisdom suffocated by traditions of male supremacy and dominance over women.

And yet, wherever Women can rise up to speak today, the world is informed and enriched by their contributions. We must free up the path to education for all women. We must open ourselves to learn what only mothers can tell us. We must learn to listen to the sufferings of young women and we must take direct steps toward their liberation.

Media from around the world celebrating the work of Appan Samachar. Can you see that this is exactly because other cultures are also awakening to the importance of the Message of Women? You are a breaking wave in the sea of Indian culture. And those on many shores are awaiting the News which you will bring!

Santos Sarang, Thank You for your vision and dedication to this project.

Jai Appan Samachar!

Jai Daemion B.A., W.H.E., M.Ed., M.S.
po box 334 mullumbimby NSW 2482

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